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Encarna tu Astrología

Talleres de Constelaciones Sistémicas y Astrología

Estos dos enfoques se complementan para apoyar a los buscadores en su camino de desarrollo, conciencia, reparación y expansión. Incorporar el mapa dentro de ti, tu Carta Natal, lo traerá más a la conciencia, lo que a su vez lo hará más útil y significativo en tu vida.

“La astrología es un lenguaje. Si entiendes este idioma, el cielo te habla”. - Dane Rudhyar

The New Moon each month is a time of reflecting, setting intentions, and planting seeds for future growth and desires.  It is a potent time to harness the energy of the moon because you can work with the energy of the moment to bring forth your intentions.  This is the essence of co-creation, creating together with the energy of the cosmos. 

Conociendo tu signo lunar

Este es un taller experiencial que combina Constelaciones y Astrología. Ven a aprender sobre tu signo lunar, que es una guía para tu mundo interior, tus necesidades y cómo te cuidas a ti misma.

Jueves 17 de marzo de 18:00 a 21:00 CEST - formato online

Este es un taller experiencial que combina Constelaciones y Astrología. Ven a aprender sobre tu signo lunar, que es una guía para tu mundo interior y tu madre interior.

La mayoría de las personas son conscientes de su "signo solar" astrológico, que corresponde al signo que conoces relacionado con tu cumpleaños. Sin embargo, también tienes un "signo lunar" que se corresponde con tu mundo interior y emocional, donde te retiras por seguridad y cómo te cuidas a ti mismo. Al conectarte con tu signo lunar, obtienes una gran cantidad de conocimientos sobre tu mundo interior y los mecanismos comunes que se activan cuando la vida se pone desafiante. Este taller explicará alguna teoría sobre el signo lunar de su carta natal astrológica, y haremos ejercicios de constelaciones para comprender mejor su conexión con su signo lunar, que a menudo está vinculada a su experiencia con su propia madre/primera figura de apego.  

Acerca de las Constelaciones Sistémicas:
Una constelación es un medio para acceder al mapa atemporal que tienes dentro, vinculando el pasado con el presente y el presente con el futuro. Es una herramienta para encontrar el origen de los problemas que enfrentamos hoy, como patrones repetidos, bloqueos, dificultades en las relaciones o problemas de salud, por nombrar algunos, y tiene el poder de revelar dinámicas ocultas que no son visibles para el ojo normal. Luego se lleva a cabo un intercambio de sanación y se toman medidas para liberarte del pasado y ponerte en el camino de la libertad, la comprensión y la autenticidad para tu futuro. En una constelación estamos viendo la relación entre las partes de un sistema, como un sistema familiar, una organización o su carta natal astrológica en este caso, que es un sistema en sí mismo.

Acerca de la astrología:
La astrología es una herramienta increíble para el desarrollo personal, el autoconocimiento y el autodominio.  Tu carta natal es un mapa de tu psique y conectarte con ella facilita la comprensión y aceptación de tu naturaleza interior. La astrología puede brindar información profunda y significativa para todas las áreas de su vida, incluidos los problemas relacionados con las relaciones de todo tipo, su familia de origen, su vida profesional o las áreas ocultas de su vida que lo impactan sin saberlo, por nombrar algunos. Al aprender sobre nuestra carta natal individual y única, identificará sus fortalezas, conocerá las áreas potenciales para desarrollar más que se indican en su carta y comprenderá mejor las debilidades que podrían crear obstáculos y aprenderá cómo superarlos. La astrología es un lenguaje antiguo donde te encontrarás contigo mismo.

Estos dos enfoques se complementan para apoyar a los buscadores en su camino de desarrollo, conciencia, reparación y expansión. Incorporar el mapa dentro de ti lo traerá más a la conciencia y, por lo tanto, activo, útil y significativo en tu vida.

Precio: 35 Euros


Contacto: Megan +32 468 455 273

What to Expect from Membership & AstroConstellation™ Circles:

Astrology Discussion & Personal Chart Discovery: Learn about the current lunation and how to find and read it in your own chart.Upon joining, you'll receive a welcome video with instructions on how to find the new and full moon in your own charts.  Then each month we will apply the learning, making the practice easy and meaningful so it can become a monthly or lifetime practice!

12-Month Moon Journal: You will receive a handbook for your 12 month journey, including prompts for tracking moods and emotions during each new moon, intention setting, realisations with the monthly full moon, and personal experiences and insights gained from the Constellations during each Circle. Records from your own notes or this journal will be important for your Closing Ritual and your moon story of the year.

The Full Moon & Additional Resources: While the new moon focuses on planting seeds and setting intentions, the full moon is dedicated to celebrating and reflecting on the growth and achievements realised since the new moon.  Circles will be held predominantly on the new moons with some variation.  An email will be sent each month with resources about the full moon, to also learn how to bring this into your lunation story of the year and read its placement in relation to your own birth chart.  Doing this in parallel is important as it takes a longer cycle for intentions set during the new moon to manifest, often reaching fruition by a full moon. ​

Experiential Exercises: During each Circle there will be an exploratory exercise, such as a meditation, visualization or mini constellation, where you will have the chance to gain more insight about the energy of the moment and embody it.  This brings the lunation from the paper (the chart) to life.  

Intention Setting: During each Circle time will be spent to set a personal intention, an important step for co-creating with the cosmos.  This is also where you will track your personal story with the moon for the full year.

AstroConstellation™ Circles: Membership includes 12 Circles from the start date of your membership.  In addition to the components stated above, each Circle will include two AstroConstellations™ for members as well as new participants. If you aren’t able to make it each month: *See "Extras to Know" below. 

A Personal AstroConstellation™: Membership includes one AstroConstellation™ to be done during a Circle within the time frame of your membership. 

Closing Personal Ritual: When your membership ends, you’ll have an opportunity to meet with Meghan for a personal ritual (1 hour) to share your moon story of the year, including intentions set and what happened throughout the year, as well as  setting new intentions for the following year and new cycle.  An overview of personal astrological transits for the following year will be included in this closing ritual.  


Price: 745€/year OR 70€/month  (125€ value + member discounts)


Moon Membership Plus: Includes a personal birth chart reading at the start of your membership and a Solar Return reading at the time of your birthday.  


Price: 945€/year OR 88€/month  (170€ value + member discounts)

Moon Membership Plus

The energy of the new moon is believed to support the growth and manifestation of intentions set throughout the lunar cycle and beyond.  The Moon Membership is a community-driven and holistic approach to meet and learn about the energies of the lunar cycles and what they mean specifically for you!  Membership is for 12 months and can start at any time!  Working with the Moon's energy is a journey into Self and Emotional Discovery to benefit you, your life, and your growth.

Benefits of Membership

  • Self Discovery: Moon journaling can guide you how to support your mind, body and emotions as they ebb and flow throughout the month. You’ll learn more about yourself emotionally in relation to the moon’s cycles, which can help with self awareness and self acceptance.

  • Spiritual Alignment: As you harness the power of the moon each month, you’ll  better understand your personal and spiritual growth throughout the year.  This discovery and these insights help us meet and live more aligned with our true selves.

  • Astrology Learning: You will gain insight into the language of astrology and what’s happening astrologically during each meeting.  Specifically you will learn about the signs due to the monthly lunation and experience them in a new way with the Constellations. And most of all, you’ll learn how to read the new and full moon each month in relation to your own chart.

  • AstroConstellations™: By participating in Circles, you’ll start to learn the method and grow and heal as you would in any Constellation Circle.

  • AstroConstellations™ Member Discounts: Members will benefit from member pricing for 1:1 AstroConstellations™ and special events, including the Embody your BirthChart program coming in Spring 2025. (Member pricing - 15% discount.)

  • Grow in Community: As we will meet each month and work more privately in small group exercises, you’ll get to know others of a like-mind, those interested in the celestial planes and constellation work!


Write your Own Story

Extras to Know:

If you aren’t able to attend the monthly Circle, it can be substituted for participation in the monthly online Constellation Circle instead.​  See online Circles here

Recordings: The first part of each Circle, Astrology Learning/Intention Setting and Experiential Exercise will be recorded. The individual AstroConstellations™ will not be included in the recordings.

AstroConstellation™ Facilitator: Participation in the Moon Membership doesn’t qualify you to be an AstroConstellation™ facilitator, but it’s a valuable step toward that. The trademark will not be allowed to be used after solely participating in membership.​ Information about becoming a facilitator will be presented at a future time. 

Membership is for Anyone: This membership is not exclusive to women only.  Membership and Circles are for anyone interested in working with AstroConstellations™ and the energy of the new and full moons. ​

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